We know how that feels, and we want you to know....

  • If you want to lead others to Christ...

  • But you're not sure how to go about it...

  • Or you're so busy that you can't see how to get started...

  • But you're willing to make a commitment to do your part...

The 3AM Call is an initiative of Adventist-Laymen's Services and Industries (ASI)

and our partner organizations:

The 3AM Call is an initiative that is led by laypeople just like you. We help committed Adventists start, run, and grow their very own missionary projects: sharing the Three Angels' Messages with the world. 

If that sounds like you, this means you can experience the joy of helping people find answers and leading them to Christ, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are playing a key role in finishing the work assigned to us as Adventists.

We Share Christ in the Marketplace, And You Can Too

ASI's motto is “Sharing Christ in the Marketplace.” It's our reason for existing. We've spent years exploring different ways to apply this motto in our everyday lives.

We've experimented, we've adjusted, we've learned, and we want to assure you that it is possible to answer this call and be an effective missionary—the decision is yours to make.

So check out The 3AM Call resources, and get started today!

Registration is free.

If you're not quite ready to make that commitment, sign up for our free email course to learn more.